The Navistar is a magical, mystical clever and kind 'Best Beast Friend' who is here to help you discover the most important human Sat-Nav guidance system we all have- Your incredible Intuition!
We all have an amazing ability to access that little voice inside ourselves. This is your guidance system telling you the right answer to what is in front of you.
Your Intuition is the most magical tool you will ever find.Once you find it and know what it is and how it feels you can use it every day to help make decisions big or small.
The beautifully kind and wonderfully clever Navistar is taking on a mission to make sure that he explains to all you amazing children how to find your intuition which is the fist step to knowing and loving who you are.
What does the Navistar do?
He travels through the skies explaining a few life lessons to give you Self esteem, Self confidence, Self Worth, positivity AND helping you understand your own energy indicator. He has a very special human being friend called Darcy by his side for this special and important mission. .
Darcy has been chosen to help the Navistar for her empathy compassion and understanding but she also is on the journey to learn more about herself too...everybody has their very special journey. Importantly they build a story of trust and love and help children to love who they are right now, in this very moment and that they are everything they need to be. You are about to embark on your wonderful life journey. It will be full of greatness and positivity. The Navistar and Darcey give positive thoughts and affirmations to lift your energy and vibration.